
How do cranes get erected on a construction site?

EOT cranes are the most widely used equipment in the industries these days. They are the best to move one heavy machinery or any other item from one place to another. EOT cranes have reduced labour cost and they call for a one-time investment and once they are set, the businesses can leverage the benefits for a very long time. You can ask your crane manufacturer in Ahmedabad about the crane erection techniques. meanwhile, we can tell you how different cranes are erected at various industrial sites. Before we do that, let us tell you the different types of cranes available and based on the information, it will be easier for you to understand the erection techniques.

Mob Cranes


As the name suggests, the mobile cranes are those cranes that can be moved from one place to another. The mobile cranes are further divided into:

  • Tire Mounted Cranes: These cranes are fitted with telescopic booms. These cranes are again divided into:
  • Rough Terrain Cranes: This is a crane where the boom is mounted on the upper carriage and undercarriage on their four rubber tires. These cranes are designed for off-road pickups.
  • All-Terrain Cranes: These cranes can be taken to the highways and they can comfortably run on uneven roads as well.

Tower Cranes

  • Tower Cranes are fixed on a single foundation but they have the capacity to work on a larger radius.

Crane Erection at the Site

  • Now that you know the types of cranes available in the market, let us tell you how these different cranes can be erected well.

Mobile Cranes

  • One of the biggest advantages of working with mobile cranes is that they are not required to be erected at the site separately. However, the cranes above the weight of 100 tonnes have to be erected by removing their counterweights as they have to be taken to the crane separately.

Crawler Cranes

These cranes can be transported to the business site in a dismantled manner. The modern crawler cranes can be erected in the following ways:

  • Self Assembly: There are certain crawler cranes that can assemble itself. This simply means that they can be assembled without any human intervention. They use the technique of self-assembly, but it is quite time-consuming.
  • Erection with supporting crane: This calls for one of the most popular crane erection technique where one crane needs the support of other cranes for its assembly.

We hope that you are now clear with all the erection techniques for your cranes. For further specific details, you can get in touch with your crane manufacturer Ahmedabad. If you have any difficulty in erecting your crane, the team of Hoist and Crane will be there to help you.