How Much Do You Know About Electric Chain Hoist Maintenance?

A professional technique is used to work on electric wire rope hoist manufacturers in Ahmedabad as it is difficult to work on it. So professional and expertise person is required to work on electric wire rope hoist manufacturers in Ahmedabad. Before working on electric chain hoist there are some Do’s and Don’ts.
Do’s and Don’ts of electric chain hoist maintenance
1. While using load chain keep it in lubrication.
2. Do not add additional load on this load chain.
3. Don’t dare to touch electrified components.
4. Adjusting friction clutch is not possible.
5. It is mandate to attach the sign of danger in power source and push button switch.
6. When hoist is getting repaired so doesn’t work on it.
7. After maintenance check the load capacity.
Using lubrication
The specific chart is created to use the appropriate lubrication in the gear oil as that table contains rated oil and operation hours. From safety point of you gear oil should be replaced and every five years even if hoist it’s used very less. There are some steps to replace gear oil and for that first of all remove the oil plug and leak cover after that fill the new oil which is available with you and then it can be used
Replacement of chain
Lubrication on the chain depends upon the usage done in the company the lubrication can be done once a week, twice a week or once a month. For this replacement of chain is required and there are some steps to replace the chain. There are two type of chain single and double fall chain.
Single fall chain
1. Attach C-link at the end of the chain.
2. After attaching C- link that is mandate to attach a new link
3. In the lower chain operate the hoist.
4. Install the chain spring from lower to the higher position.
Double fall chain
1. Attach C-link at the end of the chain.
2. After attaching C- link that is mandate to attach a new link
3. In the lower chain operate the hoist.
4. Install the chain spring from lower to the higher position.
5. While working on this see to it that chain does not twist.
Examine the chain
1) First examination: – When you start working on a new hoist or altered hoist see to it that it should be examined by the professional experts and then work should be started. Examination can be done by two types’ first daily examination and second regular examination.
Daily examination: – In this the professional or operator personal come to check the system or a chain and according to its decision is taken. Damage and defective part are inspected if there is any and if not then it is passed.
Regular examination: -Visual inspection is done by professional in regular examination. For examination remove open or new cover and other part for examination. The main thing checked in regular examination is normal use, frequent use, excessive frequent use and special case use.
Periodic use of electric chain hoist
After hoist left for use of more than one month or less than one year so first check the item required. If it is unused for more than one year then it can be put into use.